Silver To Gold

Playa Panama, Costa Rica
From Geoff Clark - son of Dr. Hulda Clark, publisher of her books, co-developer of the Synchrometer, and founder of Self Health Resources (DrClarkStore.com) says: "I think you have a great product because I have seen it work."
I love my Silver to Gold. My hair is white and very baby fine. All I do is make it a little wetter and wash it in about once every 5 weeks. Thanks a million. Sheila
I love love love 'Silver to Gold'!!! Please never stop making it! :)
Just wanted to let you know that I used my Silver to Gold yesterday for the first time, and even though I made a mistake in the application process (I used it on wet hair instead of dry, despite this being clearly stated in the instruction sheet, and you telling me!) I still managed to achieve a wonderful result and I am beyond thrilled!
It was very messy as you can imagine getting the product onto wet hair and keeping it there. The wet hair made the product drip, drip, drip continuously. I kept it on for 20mins, and it even covered my resistant grey hair at the temples. This is truly an amazing product, and I don't know why it is not more widely known about. I came across it by pure accident on my continuous search for a natural product to cover grays that was also quick and easy.
Well I think I may have finally found the Holy Grail!
I write to thank you for the prompt delivery of your product. I am thrilled with the resulting color and texture of my hair. I had ordered one packet to try it out, and as soon as my hair dried I ordered a three-pack. I had been searching for a long time for a natural product that would give natural looking results. It is wonderful! I am hoping the color lasts for a good while. That will be the final test, but at this point I am super-pleased. Again, thank you for a great product and excellent service.
Thanks so much for the silver to gold! I used it today and was quite nervous. I prayed that I wouldn't turn green. My daughter came into the room as I was getting ready to start and that was a blessing. She helped me apply it to my whole head. Without her, I think I would have missed spots. I am thankful for the strawberry blond color. It is nice to know I don't have to worry about using all those chemicals. My husband and daughters have mentioned that the color looks good, much more natural than what I had been using. Thank-you so much for this wonderful product!
I'm so satisfied with your product, my hair is healthier than ever (and also my scalp) Sandra
I truly love your product! It really works! Estelle, England
LOVE your product!!!!
I can't imagine life without Silver to Gold! I have used it for over 10 years. I'd be lost without it. Thank you so much for this wonderful product. Frances
I have been purchasing your product for years through my co-op. I always get complements on my hair. I started using it because I wanted an herbal alternative to coloring my grey hair and found that STG worked very well.
Hi. I've been using your silver to gold product for a number of years. It's excellent.
I love Silver to Gold hair color! I have gotten a lot of compliments and it makes me look and feel younger. Great product!
Just wanted to let you know that I used the Silver to Gold and had great results1 I have dark brown hair, so I left it on for 30 minutes and now I have reddish gold highlights. The product smells wonderful and is easy to use, just a bit difficult to wash out but I expected that. Thanks so much for good service and a super product!!!
I just bought a three pack after falling madly in love with your Silver to Gold hair 'dye'...and I wasn't sure who to thank for this remarkable product! I left a review on another website but I realized Incredible Earth created it so the endorsement should be on your website (I am purchasing it from you)...I am passing my love here now!
My review is "Michele is Blond again" and I am copying it for you guys:
This product is GOLD! I read the negative review and all I can say is they didn't prepare/use correctly (or didn't do a test strand for timing), or like to complain! (Seriously? It's "messy"?) Dying hair at home or in a salon with a chemical dye product is incredibly messy, smelly, uncomfortable, eye burning, and has varying degrees of success! It is also toxic, and damages your hair at the very least. My severe allergy to commercial hair dyes left me resigned to "hippie chick" alternatives. The "natural" box dyes were full of chemicals too, and I had bad reactions to all of them. And most henna products just did not cover my gray, took forever to process, and well, I am not into adding red tones AT ALL. Silver to Gold truly does what it says - it turns your silver hair into beautiful gold. This magical bouquet of herbs and plants is simply the best product I have ever used! My formerly sad looking (dark brown with 30% wiry gray) hair is now a soft, shiny crown with shimmering blond highlights! I am a customer for life. Thanks again for a life changer - I am beyond grateful for Silver to Gold!
I just refreshed my hair from my initial coloring (I used half a packet and concentrated on my roots), and my mom saw my hair and said it looked "beautiful and natural"! I have received lots compliments on my hair for the first time since my heart surgery when I suddenly developed allergies to everything and could no longer dye my hair. Thank you again!
Thank-you for your amazing product. I tried it for the first time this evening. I am stunned with the result. I have more 'salt' than 'pepper', and have grown sick and tired of coloring products that change the color of all of my hair and leave my hair straw like and brittle. I now have soft gentle golden strands where grey used to be, without altering the rest of my color. I will be purchasing again. I cannot believe I have not seen this product in Australia. The world needs to know about this!!!! Thanks so much! Bless you all!
Ramona, Perth Australia
Thanks so much. Love your products! Janice
Thank you, James. I received it on Wednesday, November 9th. Love that hair dye! Julie
I just want to let you know how much I really like Silver2Gold! FINALLY a product that I can use and feel safe and happy with by coloring my graying hair, instead of all of my hair, and creating such a natural look in the process! Thanks, don't EVER stop making this! :-) Barb
Just writing to let you know that I love your product, Silver to Gold! My hair color is a medium shade of blonde, with strands of white now showing up over the past few years, and hues of grey mixing in. I was a bit afraid of using a henna product, and going orange or red. I left the mixture on for just under 2 minutes, and came out with beautiful results! There are no hints of grey, and everything looks like natural blond highlights, like my own hair when I was in my 20's!. Thanks so much, and I'm definitely ordering more! Clare
Re: chlorine and hard water - I live in an area with chlorinated, very hard water. I have seen on some henna websites that you need to use a separate product to strip off the minerals, etc., from your hair prior to henna colouring.
I have used Silver to Gold two or three times now, and have not used any mineral stripping product prior to it's use, and I don't use distilled water to wash my hair. I haven't experienced any problems with odd colours using Silver to Gold. It turned my grey temples and about 10% greys on top to gold. I did have to leave the product on much longer than the instructions said: my temples especially are resistant to colour, even the regular drugstore dyes. It lasted as long as a permanent dye in my opinion (I used to use one, but have stopped due to its non-cruelty free status and harsh chemicals.) I wash my hair everyday to every other day, and the golden colour remained till roots forced me to colour again. My natural colour is a light mousy brown.
I bought this product a while ago and finally tried it. I got beautiful results from it. I didn't tell anyone I used it. My brother told me I looked pretty today. My husband told me my hair looked really shiney.LOL. Ok this stuff is messy but oh so worth it if you have chemical sensitivity as I do. I got great results. I left it on only 4 minutes. Not red at all just gold. love it!
I cannot believe how fantastic this product is. I have dark brown hair with about 30% grey. I'm allergic to chemical dyes. I used to use regular henna when I was younger to turn my hair red. I'm not interested in doing that now so was concerned about getting a reddish tone. I did a test swatch and left it on about 5 minutes. Didn't see much difference. When I did the full application, I ended up leaving it on 10 minutes. It looks so incredibly natural! Doesn't change your regular color, just turns all the grey into blonde highlights. My hairdresser was impressed at how soft my hair is now. Henna is a great conditioner as well as color. I can't live without this stuff now. The grayer I get, the blonder I will become!
Silver to Gold has been a blessing for me.
Thank-you so much for this wonderful product. I am so glad to have discovered it. God is good! Before with chemical dye, I dreaded coloring my hair. I hated the itching and exposure to the chemicals. I really like your natural product. My husband loves the results on me. I like having a more natural less fake look. Thanks again!
I've been using Silver to Gold now for a few years and am in love with it. I'm chemically sensitive, so I will never be trying a chemical product. I have dark blonde hair with very going-white-now temples with various gray strands mixed in all over. I only bother with the front circle around my face, for the most part. This makes one bag last me a whole year, as I only do it every three months. At the right consistency, it's not so messy and doesn't fall in glops everywhere. I leave it on for twenty solid minutes. It can be a little strawberry/copper on me at first, but that fades quickly into nearly a perfect match for my hair. Here's my tip for washing it out (which was a HUGE PAIN for me in the shower, as it was difficult and messy): hang your head over the side of the tub and USE A SPRAYER on high (I have that kind of shower head, removable with a pulse setting). It's SO EASY this way. You just scrub with one hand, spray the water with the other, get all the chunky, sandy grits out, then take a normal shower after you've rinsed out the tub. THIS is the way to do it. SO much easier and faster! I love the ingredients, the ease (now), the smell and the look. Yay for Silver to Gold!
I have just made up HALF an application to put on gray spots, rather than the whole...goes twice as far!!
At first it did not cover my resistant greys at the temple area. This time I applied the product to just the temple area and throughout the length of this area. I left it for a full 12 minutes, then did a full head application and left it for 7 minutes. Although I am fair haired naturally and the longer application times in the instructions seemed to be for dark haired people, this worked much better for me and did actually cover those pesky resistant greys in the temple area. The few greys I had at the top of my head were definitely coloured blonde. Very happy with the result. I have used this product 4 times now and am happy with the overall lasting effect, on me just as long as a permanent colour would last with almost daily shampooing. Just a note that my temple greys are resistant to conventional dyes as well.
I really like this product. It is very easy to use and it smells nice and makes your hair very shiny and manageable. It colors ONLY your gray hair with results ranging from gold to coppery red, depending on how long you leave it on.
I feel like I have finally found the product that I want to use. I can take care of just the gray hair, without coloring my whole head with unneeded hair color. This henna based product also highlights your natural hair color to make it look like sun drenched highlights. Beautiful results. Thank you Silver to Gold.
I had not used the product for months, therefore, once again did an all over application, starting at my trouble spots, which are my temples. I allowed it to sit on my hair for about 7 minutes this time, and the temples were better coloured than last time at 5 minutes. Next colouring, I will go 8 minutes total on the temple area as I plan to do this more regularly (I hate colouring my hair!)and about 5 minutes for the rest of my hair. I had slight red marks where I let the product sit on my skin at my hairline to make sure I was covering all new growth, but still no burning or itching, so I'm pleased. Good job covering greys elsewhere on my head. A good product for my super sensitive skin!
BEST natural hair dye on Earth - period.
This product is GOLD!
I can't believe how well this works!
Having reached the end of my willingness to put chemicals on my head to cover gray hair, I was searching for an alternative when I read about silver to gold on the web. I was skeptical that it could work. I tried it tonight and I am floored. It does exactly what it says...turns grays into golds.
I will keep buying this
Silver to Gold covers gray effectively. Like all henna it is messy. I left it on for 20 minutes and the gray turned to blond highlights. I like that it did not change my natural color. I will continue using this product.
The holy grail of natural and highlights!
I am in love with Silver To Gold. I had dark hair, and about 35% icky gray. Great!
I have brown hair and it gave me the golden reddish highlights I had when I was younger so it looks even more natural than before I went partially grey.
Love your product!
Hello at Silver to Gold, I just wanted to write you a note and send you two pictures. I purchased your product last summer with the intention of actually using it and I never did until today. I couldn’t get the Henna idea out of my head and I purchased another Henna type product and tried the test strand and thank goodness I did, as it came out almost a blackish green! So glad I tried that test section! LOL! Well, before I made an expensive trip to the salon to get rid of my greys and my yucky brownish black 5o year old hair, (instead of the pretty medium brown, naturally highlighted with blondes and copper that I had in my 20’s!) that has come in the last couple of years, I thought I should see if your product sitting on my shelf could make those greys blonde. I tried the test section. What do you know, they turned blonde. Since I had so many of them, I had hoped that I could get them copper if I left on longer. I ended up leaving on 45 minutes, using the hair dryer for a couple of them to warm up my cold green goo, and then used a half of bottle of conditioner to get it all out in the shower. I almost cried when I saw the results. I had my youthful brown hair back! I just ordered two more three packs! Thank you so much and please keep making this. I will be telling all of my friends! :0) Lori
Just used Silver to Gold for the first time. It is fantastic! I wish I'd taken a "before" photo. I used to use henna before I went grey, but was hesitant to use it for fear of turning my hair orange. This coloring is subtle but distinct. My hair is fine textured and probably 30% grey. It's usually resistant to coloring so I left it on for over 5 minutes. I worried that it was still coloring as I tried to wash it off because that takes time. But it came out great. Thank you for a great product!
Thanks for the info. Yes I have used the product before. You very kindly sent it to my brothers address in Canada last September even though I hadn't paid enough for the postage.
I was very impressed with the way this product worked on my hair and for the length of time it kept the grey covered...about 4 months! The other benefit is that I am recovering from cancer treatment and I do not want to use conventional dyes any more because of the BAD chemicals in them.
Just writing to let you know that I love your product, Silver to Gold!
Absolutely thrilled with Silver To Gold!
Hello, I spoke with you on the phone last Thursday about ordering Silver to Gold for the first time. My package arrived today, and I tried it out tonight. Initially, I was a little worried, because the strand-test didn’t seem to change much even after 11 minutes. I decided the worst that could happen would be no change and I took the plunge, trying 11 minutes on my entire head. I have very dark brown hair and about twenty percent is going gray. After using Silver to Gold, the gray hair is a coppery brown which looks very natural—as if I’d just been out in the sun a while.
I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. Around two years ago, I caved in to trying at home dyes four or five times. These looked okay, but I was always worried about the chemicals and since my hair is this gray at age 35, it’s not a good long-term solution. Lately, I’d tried using a sage tea, but this didn’t seem to be working at all and was also pretty inconvenient. Your product, on the other hand, is quick, easy, and doesn’t make a huge mess like the at home dyes do.
I do hope you continue offering this product for years to come and will be recommending it to others. Thanks so much. You’ll be hearing from me as a regular customer. Marcy
Below are some comments, unsolicted, about your great products. I'll be calling you soon for another order. We love you guys, Keep up the good work. Love and Prayers, John & Joyce
I’ve been using Silver to Gold color in my long red/blonde hair for the past two years, and it is fantastic. The color is variegated and looks natural. It does not itch my head like chemical dyes, and does not dry my hair out. It did take some getting used to, like applying it and taking it off, but now that I am two years past all that, I am so happy with the product. It is great, and I would recommend it to anyone, and have!
All the products offer by The Incredible Earth.com are wonderfully pure, and of exceptional quality, and performance. Your products are truly cutting edge and innovative.
Thanks so much. It arrived today. I appreciate the storage tips and the shipping refund. I’m so happy with your product and your service.
I LOVE your product!!!!
Thank you for your hair color. It turns my 70% gray a nice blonde. I have received more compliments than ever before. Melonie
I cancelled the appointment that I had with a hairdresser to get highlights to cover/disguise my grays. I absolutely love your product. You should sell on Amazon! I want to be the first to write a review! Lori